Framework for building conversational/voice interfaces for Google Assistant.
- Utilizes flask to provide a clean and simple interface communicating with API.AI via HTTP JSON requests.
- Provides the option to design and create all the necessary compentents required for an API.AI agent directly from your text editor/terminal
- Over 120 stars on github
Documentation at Read the Docs and generated with sphinx
Source Code on Github
Main Contributor
Flask-ask is a Flask extension that makes building Alexa skills for the Amazon Echo easier and much more fun.
- Implemented support for Audio Streaming
- Redesigned library architecture to maintain compaitibilty with future API changes
- Documented code base
Creator Stream new music from reddit and soundcloud.
- Provides a simple dashboard for streaming the latest music from selected sources
- Uses a Flask backend to serve a REST API
- Frontend built with Vue.js
- Built on a flask backend with flask-sqlalchemy and Postgresql
- Hosted using Heroku and Firebase
Simple SP-404 "emulator"